What I’m Reading in May [Asian Readathon TBR]

Hello all, and welcome back to Ravens and Pages! It is time for my favorite readathon of the year, the Asian Readathon, hosted by my dear friend Cindy. It runs for the entire month of May, which is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage month, and this is my third year participating. I’m so excited for both the prompts this year and the TBR I’ve put together!

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What I’m Reading This Month

We’ve finally reached my favorite point in my reading cycle: my catch-up month! As I’m sure you’ve picked up by now, I’m ambitious with my TBRs every month. And even when I’m not being ambitious, I’m being ambitious. (A by-product of having hundreds of book to catch up on.) So, every couple of months, I force myself to “step back” and get to the books on my previous months’ TBRs that I let slide over and over and over and…

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What I’m Reading This Month

While I was compiling my reading list for February, I was proud of myself for keeping it so small and manageable, and then started to remember all the buddy reads I forgot about and things from last month I’m still in the middle of… Well, there’s always March. Maybe. Hello and welcome to Ravens and Pages, where we are marking my 19th month in a row of a total lack of self control when it comes to my TBRs!

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